PDPM Calculator – Thank You!

Since we launched the PDPM Calculator in May of 2018, we’ve received an incredible amount of positive feedback. We’re truly flattered by the response. What started as a tool to help us understand PDPM has turned into something the entire community is using to get ready for this change.

We’d like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone for their kind words, encouragement and suggestions for improvement!

  • The calculator is currently in use in the 48 contiguous states. (Where are you Alaska and Hawaii? Especially you Hawaii. We see you reading the blog!) I think I’ve spoken to people in nearly every state about it. Keep it coming!

  • A lot of our competitors use our calculator and at least one uses it to train their staff! Let us know if you’d like on-site training!

  • We even have users who may or may not work for CMS. (Don’t worry, we won’t tell.)

  • There are consultants from coast to coast using our calculators to train their customers! We’ve also trained a few of them. (If you are a consultant and we haven’t spoken, please contact me. I’d love to learn more about your business!)

  • The PDPM Calculator is the most popular PDPM tool that isn’t published by CMS according to Big G.

All of this is very humbling. That’s why we’re really excited to be releasing PDPM Navigator! Read more about it. Navigator is basically like the calculator, but with ICD-10 codes, RAI rules and you can use it anywhere on your phone or tablet.

We are looking for industry experts and influencers to try out Navigator and tell us what they think. (Corporate MDS, consultants, journalists, etc)

If you would like to help us shape the future of Navigator sign up right now! (Put ‘Navigator’ in the Subject line.)